Student Wellness Campaign
Title: Burn Bright, Not Out
Graphic Design for Social & Cultural Contexts, Print Design, Product Design, Research Design
Software Used: Figma, Procreate, Photoshop, Spotify, Indesign
As part of a collaborative group project with designers Zanna Lewkowicz and Jakob Roberts, we developed the Burn Bright, Not Out campaign for Cleveland State University students. This initiative focused on promoting student wellness by addressing the critical issues of burnout and isolation.
Design Highlights:
Created promotional materials and merchandise as part of the campaign to engage students and spread awareness.
Focused my research on the common symptom of isolation caused by burnout, exploring its impact on students’ mental and physical health.
Identified and showcased campus organizations that host social gatherings, providing students with opportunities to connect with communities aligned with their interests.
Curated a playlist of podcasts featuring topics such as identifying burnout symptoms, strategies for recovery, science-based research, and personal stories to offer additional resources for relief and knowledge.
The campaign aimed to empower students to prioritize wellness, combat isolation, and foster a sense of community, offering both practical tools and emotional support.